Donald and Terry go to the NASCAR

Donald and Terry go to the NASCAR

In Arizona's Supermax prison there was a man who was imprisoned for being too orange.

His name was Donald.

And it was said that his radiant hue tainted the entire jail.

Everybody started following Donald's orders.

Prison life was golf and tennis, then, but one day Terry Crews broke into the penitentiary and said "LOL sorry cops we need a President."

And suddenly everything changed.

Terry Crews and Donald left the prison while The Village People played in the background because Terry Crew's friend Chris Rock hacked the prison or some shit.

Later on Donald turned up at the NASCAR and said Rosie O'Donnell is a loser. Kid Rock was there and he said gay nuclear dogs are weird. Everyone laughed, because they are weird.

You would think everything was fine for the Prison President, but haha you're a retard because do you know what? Don Lemon teamed up with Kim Jong Un to attack Donald when he had no Terry Crews to defend with.

So what do you think happened?

Fuck you, that's what happened.

Haha. No. I'm just kidding. The story is that Dennis Rodman popped out at the end, and defended against the Asian.


Use full force to defend against Kim Jong Un

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