All He Wanted to Do Was Hunt Pigs

All He Wanted to Do Was Hunt Pigs

All's we wanted was to hunt some bloomin' pigs, but no one ever seems ta care about that do they?

So there I wuz on me property with m'dogs by my side - Bluey and Rustle. Great dogs them two are... loyal till death!

Anyway, so it comes around midday when things start gettin weird.

I could hear 'em before seein' em; the roos had been munching away at a stolen testosterone shipment for a while there. They were souped up now, and extra powerful.

"Bluey!" I shouted to me boy "Get over here you silly thing!"

But he didn't budge. Nor did Rustle - just sat and stared back in silence, tails tucked between their legs... scared or somethin'.

I was getting madder by the minute when a sudden move from behind them bushes caught my eye; it were only then that I saw those two red-eyed kangaroos sneerin' at me.

I was fuming mad now - who the hell did these roo-blokes think they were lookin' at?

"And what's it ta ya anyway?", I grunted

Another one sneered.

I couldn't help but scoff at 'em. "Looks like I found myself an enemy then," I laughed.

One spat at me.

And just like that, they vanished into thin air! Left me standing there stunned for seconds before I realized: my dogs!

They'd been stolen. By roos!

"You no-good thieving kangaroos!", I cried in rage.

"Where are you, Bluey? Rustle?" called me heartbroken voice. Not a single sound or movement came back at my callin’.

I searched high and low for them but they were nowhere to be found!

No way was I going down without fight now; those roos had taken away too much already!

So, the minute night started fallin', with nothing left ta lose, I put on my Predator facepaint and Rambo headband.

It took an hour to find the thieves. Disgusting Western Reds. Four of the buggers.

I fought like a man possessed. Punched and kicked each one in turn – not giving an inch!

Finally, I smashed every one of the pricks.

And I recovered me dogs.

Plus we caught a few hogs.


Defend against rogue bucks with these warning signs.

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